Govt. Associate College of Commerce Fortabbas

We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.

Khadim Hussain
Govt. Associate College Fortabbas

Message of the Principal

The principal's message is the changing social and economic conditions, if our lifestyle is examined, the importance of education becomes clear, but now is not the age of simple education. Skilled people, solid planning and the best scientists, engineers, doctors, and farmers for the country are all indebted to businessmen. In this institution, students are trained in commerce subjects. Who can later become active members of the society by serving in industry, trade, agriculture and offices. D.Com (Diploma in Commerce) is equivalent to FA, and FSC, students can also take admitted to B.Com, or BA after doing D.Com. There are numerous job opportunities for students after doing Diploma in Commerce, especially in commercial banks, industries, chambers of commerce, government, semi-government, private offices and institutions. In this way, the subjects of computer, and information technology have also been included in the course to further emphasize the usefulness and importance of commerce education. The fate of mankind changes here and the sacred duty is fulfilled here.

Khadim Hussain

Principal Govt. Associate College Fortabbas


A place to learn and grow together

A proper education sets people up to grow personally, professionally, and socially. It can awaken joy, curiosity and a deep desire to solve problems and help others. Plus, teaching a student can inspire them to pursue leadership roles and positively impact those around them.

One of the other many benefits of education is that it can broaden a student’s horizons, helping them understand more about other cultures and corners of the world beyond the school door.

Because you deserve to shine.

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